the linerefine premium pack

Découvrez nos patchs en silicone médical de la plus haute qualité, conçus pour offrir des résultats optimaux.
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LINEREFINE c'est quoi ?

Nous sommes une entreprise spécialisée dans les solutions anti-âge naturelles et innovantes. Nous nous basons sur nos recherches avancées en partenariat avec des experts américains et allemands et chinois, nous proposons des patchs en silicone médical qui augmentent naturellement la production de collagène pour réduire les rides et les ridules. Cette solution peu invasive permet d'hydrater la peau.


Control, accountability, international certifications and awards

See our certificates


More than 700,000 patches sold worldwide in 2020, rating “Excellent” in the Dermatest test

See the results
Patch ride du front Patchs anti-rides Line Refine


Our research has been rewarded by scientific organizations in Asia, Europe and the USA

See our certificates

The secret of Line Refine

Simplicity: no chemicals!

Our solid knowledge, as well as our unique know-how in dermatology, have allowed us to develop our patches so that each person can make their wrinkles disappear easily, sustainably, and without resorting to harmful products or cosmetic surgery.

Our patches work by covering the skin, and locking in the moisture that escapes.

The skin can thus rehydrate itself and increase collagen production.

We offer different patches, each of which is used on a specific area, in order to optimize the smoothing effect and combat your wrinkles as effectively as possible on a daily basis.

See here how our patches work