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Les massages anti-rides  : efficaces ou intox ? - LINEREFINE

Anti-wrinkle massages: effective or fake?

There are many facial muscles, and these shape the shape of the face. However, we don't exercise our facial muscles the way we exercise those in our arms and legs....

Anti-wrinkle massages: effective or fake?

There are many facial muscles, and these shape the shape of the face. However, we don't exercise our facial muscles the way we exercise those in our arms and legs....

Anti-âge : crèmes, ou patchs ? - LINEREFINE

Anti-aging: creams or patches?

[...] These qualities are the visual qualities that young skin has, in other words, Beautiful skin is youthful-looking skin . Customers' goals when buying an anti-aging cream is the anti-wrinkle effect....

Anti-aging: creams or patches?

[...] These qualities are the visual qualities that young skin has, in other words, Beautiful skin is youthful-looking skin . Customers' goals when buying an anti-aging cream is the anti-wrinkle effect....

Anti-âge : l'innovation au service du bien être - LINEREFINE

Anti-aging: innovation in the service of well-b...

It must be said that they are shaking up the anti-aging cosmetics sector, with an ingenious dermatological system. The patches do indeed contain... no active ingredients. What ? No active...


Anti-aging: innovation in the service of well-b...

It must be said that they are shaking up the anti-aging cosmetics sector, with an ingenious dermatological system. The patches do indeed contain... no active ingredients. What ? No active...